
ATL Documents

Free e-book: "Climate and Ecological Delusions and Contradictions That Will Rapidly End Humanity…Unless...." ATL's e-book provides the basis for why we need to trigger a widespread alarm and how we can achieve it.

ATL's March 17, 2019 Letter to the Hewlett Foundation.

Tips for Writing an Op-Ed

Organize Teach-Ins

Recommended Global Warming & Ecology Educational Resources

Eco-theologian Michael Dowd's multi-media videos, a “crash course” in understanding our global predicament:

Michael Dowd's interview series with 55 guests: "The Future Is Calling Us to Greatness."

Michael Dowd's interview series: "Post Doom Conversations."

Climate scientist Kevin Anderson's address to the Oxford Climate Society, January 24, 2019: "Climate's Holy Trinity." 

William Ophul's short book: "Apologies to the Grandchldren: Reflections on Our Ecological Predicament, Its Deeper Causes, and Its Political Consequences."

E-book from Job One For Humanity: "Climageddon: The Global Warming Emergency & How To Survive It." Climageddon provides original analysis, detailed consequence timetables, the background on how our current global warming predictions have been so grossly miscalculated, and eleven critical global warming tipping points.

Climate Communication publicizes and illuminates the latest climate research in plain language, making the science more accessible to the public and policy makers. Climate Communication provides a primer on climate change.

Fourth National Climate Assessment assesses the science of climate change and variability and its impacts across the United States and its regions, now and throughout this century. The report was produced with the assistance of "1,000 people, including 300 leading scientists, roughly half from outside the government."

NASA - GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE: Vital Signs of the Planet includes well-presented data, visualizations, and resources for children, educators, and students.

AAAS - WHAT WE KNOW: THE REALITY, RISKS, AND RESPONSE TO CLIMATE CHANGE helps us understand the science behind the realities, risks and response to the climate challenge. The full report here.

CLEAN: CLIMATE LITERACY & ENERGY AWARENESS NETWORK is a collection of 600+ free, ready-to-use digital resources rigorously reviewed by educators and scientists, for teaching about climate's influence on you and society and your influence on climate.



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